The story … behind the story … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru




We all heard about this expression, which is used when people usually talk about theory of conspiracy, usually in major social or political events.
But in fact, people care only by their lives and what happen on their timeline.
From the outside is quite easy to define, give advices about what someone else should do, but being the character of your own story, acting on the scene of your own life, things are not so easy as they might look like.
It s even difficult to define a close member of our familly, someone we know from many, many years, because you cant really understand the feelings from inside of another human beings.
Sometimes we have a real dance of emotions and we feel all kinds of things ... and you go to the left, then to the right .. just like dancing.
Today we are happy, tomorrow we are not ... and the dance itself looks like a no sense, but is need for searching what means to be and not to be unhappy.
It all happens, because in real life, to be happy you need to do certain things ... pay a price.
Sometimes you agree to pay the price, sometimes not ... but no one should have the right to judge you about what you do with your own life.
The story behind the story .. is what we really feel inside of us.
There will be many people telling you what to do, why you did that and how you should do in any circumstance ... but listen to me ... even if sometimes the Universe is talking to you through other people .. if you have intuition, if you believe in the intuition ... the Universe will talk to you directlly.
You should just dont care about others thinking ... and see only the real story, that is behind the story ... the one that your soul feels.
Just DARE to do ... only what you think and feel.



Download the book ”Abstract love: a philosophical guide for imposible love storieswritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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